
Pittsburgh Beef Cooking Temp Picture Pork Cooking Temp

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Published May 9, 2018. This post may contain affiliate links. Delight read my disclosure policy.

One of the oldest ways to eat a grilled steak is called Blackness and Blue, or Pittsburgh way. You lot can attain it by charring the outside while maintaining a rare to medium-rare internal temperature, or blue steak.

I'm actually not too fond of the Pittsburgh style steak because information technology's but a bit besides charred for my liking.  All the same, when I used to work in the restaurant industry we would get a asking for iii to 4 of these a dark they are that pop.  It'due south actually quite weird tasting as it has this overly charred well-washed shoe leathery taste on the outside but then a delicate full-flavored rare taste in the eye.

We would practise this Pittsburgh style steak on a number of unlike cuts of beef from a filet mignon to a New York strip, and an occasional ribeye steak.  I would avert anything as well fatty because call up the within is rare and raw fat is a chip nasty, accept information technology from me!

Pittsburgh Style Steak Recipe

How to Make Black and Blue Steak

The hardest part well-nigh making it is ensuring at that place are plenty of flames rising high to a higher place the grates on your grill.  Let me be the first to say that a Pittsburgh-style steak has to be done on an open flame grill, information technology cannot be washed on a pan on your cooktop because it will take manner to long to char on the outside without it being rare in the middle.  So, the first thing y'all can do is crank your grill upwards to the hottest setting it tin go and permit it hold that temperature for well-nigh 7 to 10 minutes earlier cooking.

When using cuts of meat like a New York strip or a ribeye, it'due south actually easier to achieve a Pittsburgh-way steak because you tin simply fabricate your cuts of beefiness when you lot are breaking it down to keep some more than of the fat on.  When it comes fourth dimension to melt the steak you trim a bit more of the fatty off and so you place that fat around the exterior of the steak.  Or when fabricating merely trim all the fat and set it to the side in a freezer or on a gear up-to-order basis.  Meat fatty breaks down pretty slow but drips profusely causing lots of flame and burn which will assistance you reach that char to your meat.  THIS is the best style to make a Pittsburgh-style steak.

ice cold cut up butter

If y'all are using a rather lean cut of meat like a filet mignon then your accented best selection is going to be butter.  The just issue is that butter cooks really apace, specially on the grill, and then you are going to need quite a bit of information technology or to help prolong the melting process to brand sure it is completely frozen.  In the same style where you would put the meat fatty around and on the steak, you want to put the butter all around it and on it.   This will make some crazy huge flames and will certainly black and blue your steak!

charring a filet mignon on the grill with butter to make it a black and blue steak

If you wanted to take it even a step farther to ensure you've got an insanely deep dark char, add a chapeau to it.  Once you drop your seasoned steak and put the butter everywhere put a grill lid or a large cast-iron skillet flipped upside downwardly over the height of it to keep all the heat and flames contained to be around your steak.  This will absolutely ensure you are charring or burning as I used to call it, your Pittsburgh-way steak!

Why Is It Chosen Pittsburgh Manner

So here'due south what I've heard to exist true.  When the steel industry up in Pittsburgh was absolutely booming the workers would bring cuts of meat to work to cook and swallow since in that location was aught but hot metal around.  Some of the surfaces of metal could get up to 1800° correct out of the fire and would help these workers steak get an incredibly dark sear in but a matter of a minute or so while remaining rare in the center.  I'1000 not sure if this Pittsburgh-way steak story is true but I sure hope information technology is considering how clever!

If you're looking for a actually tasty black and blue steak Pittsburgh style and then bank check out this recipe for Black and Blueish Steak by the one and only Emeril Lagasse!

Let's Cook - Chef Billy Parisi


Black and Blue Steak Pittsburgh Fashion

Charred on the exterior merely rare in the inside, this Pittsburgh mode blackness and blue steak is a classic American recipe.

Servings: 1

Prep Time: five minutes

Melt Time: five minutes

Total Time: 10 minutes

  • 1 8 ounce filet mignon
  • 4 ounces frozen unsalted butter, cut up
  • bounding main table salt and fresh cracked pepper to taste
  • Preheat the grill to high oestrus, between 550° and 650°.

  • Season the steak on all sides with table salt and pepper and place it on the grill in one case information technology is at full temperature.

  • Immediately add together the butter straight around the steak and over top to cause hot flames to shoot up over the grates in order to char the steak.

  • Identify a grill lid over tiptop to assistance char the steak.

  • Melt for ane to two minutes per side or until charred blackness on the exterior but rare in the center.

  • Serve.

Calories: 816 kcal Carbohydrates: 1 yard Protein: 1 g Fatty: 92 thousand Saturated Fat: 58 g Cholesterol: 245 mg Sodium: 13 mg Carbohydrate: 1 grand Vitamin A: 2834 IU Calcium: 27 mg

Course: Master

Cuisine: American


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