
Musclemeds Carnivor Shred Fat Burning Hydrolized Beef Protein Isolate

Raise your mitt if y'all want to muscle upwardly and lean out with a potent, fat-burning poly peptide supplement.

We thought so.

Fans of MuscleMeds CARNIVOR Beef Protein Isolate who want to torch some fat should rejoice: MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED is here.

To put it just, information technology's the fatty-burning version of the former.

Nosotros knew all along we'd pump you up for this review.


MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED "is the ultimate fat-burning and muscle-edifice solution" which helps you "feel the anabolic power of beef poly peptide to build lean muscle mass while burning away unwanted backlog body fat," per its official website. Formula notes:

  • Xx-three grams of beef poly peptide isolate per serving. Helps build musculus mass.
  • Advanced Thermogenic Energizing Alloy. Combines the fat-burning powers of Super-6-Paradol, java, dark-green tea, and yerba mate.
  • Zero fat and cholesterol. Not too many poly peptide supplements can avowal of these features.

MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED Supplement Facts (Chocolate, ii.28 lbs. [one,036 g])

Serving Size: 1 Scoop (37 g)
Servings Per Container: 28
Nutrient Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories      120
Calories From Fat      0
Full Fatty      0 g      0%†
Cholesterol      0 mg      0%
Total Carbohydrate      viii k      iii%†
     Dietary Fiber      ane g      four%†
     Sugar      0 g      ‡
Poly peptide      23 g      46%†
Fe      1.ii mg      vii%
Sodium      300 mg      13%
Potassium      200 mg      6%
Advanced Thermogenic Energizing Alloy      320 mg      ‡
     Caffeine Anhydrous, Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) (leaf) extract, Yerba Mate        (Ilex paraguariensis) (leaf) extract, Green Coffee Edible bean (Coffea robusta                    extract), Super-6-Paradol™ (Aframomum melegueta) (seed) excerpt
Other Ingredients:Carnivor-BPI [Hydrolyzed Beef Poly peptide Isolate, Creatine Monohydrate, BCAA's (Fifty-Leucine, Fifty-Valine, Fifty-Isoleucine), Anabolic Nitrogen Memory Technology™ Intermediates: GKG (glutamine-blastoff-ketoglutarate), AKG (alpha-ketoglutarate), and KIC (alpha-ketoisocaproate)], Maltodextrin, Cocoa, Natural and Bogus Flavors, Common salt, Silica, Acesulfame Potassium, and Sucralose.
Directions For Carnivor Shred:For a delicious protein shake, mix 1 scoop of CARNIVOR SHRED with half-dozen-8 fl. oz. of cold water in a shaker bottle. Protein may cream afterward mixing. Take i-two times daily.

Fatty-Burning Beef Protein Isolate

Perhaps you've read our B5 review of MuscleMeds CARNIVOR Beef Protein Isolate.

Nosotros're sure you'll agree with the states when we say it'southward unlike whatsoever other protein supplement we've ever reviewed.

Information technology gives the sport of bodybuilding a unique new twist, doesn't it?

We dearest its unique hydrolyzed beef protein isolate, creatine, and BCAA content.

However, nosotros griped about its taste – its biggest chink to date.

Well, this made united states of america wish the manufacturer came upwards with an advanced formulation with – hopefully – a ameliorate taste.

Enter MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED– a unique, fat-burning beef protein isolate production.

Want to muscle upwards and lean out at the same time? Try MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED and see for yourself.

Nosotros idea MuscleMeds CARNIVOR Beefiness Protein Isolate was already unique, folks.

That was until its thermogenic analogue came along.

Imagine this: a protein-packed, beef poly peptide isolate and fat-called-for supplement at your fingertips?


"You lot tin at present experience the anabolic power of beef protein to build lean muscle mass while burning abroad unwanted excess body fatty," per MuscleMeds' official website.

If at that place is anybody who doesn't want to muscle up and lean out at the aforementioned time, give u.s. a buzz. Skillful luck on your search. We know it'll exist futile.

The manufacturer dubs MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED as "the ultimate fat-burning and muscle-edifice solution," per its official website.

This production besides utilizes a Revolutionary BAT Activation Technology which helps "boost metabolism to burn up to 100 actress calories daily –  equal to the calories burned while running ane mile," per the company.

Information technology likewise helps increase satiety, increase free energy, and enhance mood.


MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED also features "the power of CARNIVOR Beef Protein Isolate and powerful shredding ingredients such as Super-six Paradol, green tea, yerba mate, and green coffee bean," per the same source.

You lot can find these in MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED's Advanced Thermogenic Alloy, which takes up 320 milligrams per 37-gram scoop.

Make no fault nigh it – this is the production'south chief selling point. This is what sets information technology apart from the rest of the field.

Starting time upwards is Super-6 Paradol, more than unremarkably known as "Grains of Paradise" (Aframomum melegueta).

To simplify matters, it's an herb and a relative of ginger. In terms of thermogenic properties, information technology helps activate brown adipose tissue (BAT), which, in turn, results in burning of fatty.

Super-6 Paradol too activates UCP-1, which "increases the cells' ability to take hold of white adipose tissue (WAT) and cascade it into BAT to burn equally heat," per the manufacturer's website.

The company besides cites a written report which reveals test subjects who supplemented with Super-vi Paradol burned an 100 actress calories over the course of 28 days.

We've still to stumble upon a thermogenic poly peptide pulverization which has this ingredient. That'south saying something, folks.

Of grade, no thermogenic blend would be consummate without caffeine.

The manufacturer breaks down the benefits:

  • Helps increase endurance by as much as 17 percent
  • Amps upward strength and power by as much as 20 percent
  • Helps decrease fatigue by six percent

So, if you accept no time to take hold of a cup of Joe before going to the gym, MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED can provide you with a decent caffeine fix.

Hey, yous might not need a pre-workout supplement anymore.

Here'due south another reason why: the Advanced Thermogenic Energizing Blend too has yerba mate, a common fatty-burning ingredient which is a natural caffeine source.

Plus, information technology has theophylline, "a methylxanthine plant in cocoa that has been partially credited for the 'feel expert' consequence that comes from eating chocolate," per the company's website.

With yerba mate, y'all fire fat, receive a quick caffeine jolt, and enjoy some great mood-boosting effects.

What's not to similar here?

The concluding component of the Advanced Thermogenic Energizing Blend is green tea – proficient old-fashioned green tea.

Check out its timeless benefits:

  • Rich in antioxidants which help ward off nasty free radicals
  • Improves brain function
  • Burns fat and boosts metabolism
  • Helps reduce blood sugar levels
  • Boosts middle health

Now y'all know why green tea is a must, folks. Ditch those sodas and sugary drinks now.

Nosotros're glad green tea is in MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED.

Unfortunately, this production's Advanced Thermogenic Energizing Alloy is proprietary in nature – the manufacturer divulges the amount of the entire blend but doesn't rattle off those for the individual ingredients.

The only fat-called-for ingredient whose amount the manufacturer reveals is caffeine (175 milligrams per serving).

That sucks.

Proprietary blends leave the consumer hanging. They're shady and deceiving. Boo.

The other featured ingredient is 23 grams of beef protein isolate per serving.

Once over again, the manufacturer claims this ingredient tin can help you increase force and lean trunk mass.

The visitor cites a study from The International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) conference in Austin, TX in 2015.

The result: test subjects gained an average of 7.vii lbs. of musculus mass and increased forcefulness after they consumed beef poly peptide isolate during an 8-week period.

That'south because "CARNIVOR Beef Protein Isolate is fifty-fifty 350 per centum more than full-bodied in anabolic muscle-building aminos than a prime sirloin steak," per MuscleMeds' official website.

Not only that, the company likewise claims its CARNIVOR Beef Protein Isolate has more amino acids than whey, soy, milk, and eggs.

Would you lot believe this ingredient likewise has 20 times more creatine than steak?

If you lot're not familiar with creatine supplements, you're missing one-half of your life.

This popular bodybuilding supplement has several awesome benefits:

  • Helps increase muscle mass
  • Amps upwardly anaerobic and aerobic performance
  • Helps regulate blood sugar levels
  • Improves brain health
  • Delays the onset of post-workout fatigue

Experts have done a ton of enquiry on creatine. They deem it's i of the safest and most effective supplements on the market.

The company's regular protein supplement, MuscleMeds CARNIVORE Beef Protein Isolate, has 2.5 grams of creatine per serving.

On the other hand, it didn't indicate how much creatine MuscleMeds CARNIVORE SHRED has.

Our hunch is it's more or less the same as MuscleMeds CARNIVORE Beef Poly peptide Isolate.

On that annotation, whatever fourth dimension your protein supplement helps yous fire fat and gives you the benefits of creatine, it'south worth a shot.

If those weren't plenty, the folks at MuscleMeds also added key branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs).

"The enhanced BCAA levels promote a positive nitrogen residue, increase poly peptide synthesis, decrease catabolic muscle breakdown, better workout functioning, and reduce muscular fatigue," per the product'south website.

Nobody can argue with those.

Put together 23 grams of protein per serving, twenty times the amount of creatine that steak has, and enhanced BCAA levels, you get a recipe for muscle-building sky, folks.

Throw in the thermogenic ingredients, and you are ready to muscle up and lean out like you lot never did before.

Here'south the best part, folks: MuscleMeds CARNIVORE SHRED, but similar its predecessor,has no fats and cholesterol.

You may notice that hard to believe, because regular beef is a source of saturated fats.

Well, let'south give credit where it's due.

MuscleMeds' advanced hydrolysis process filters out the saturated fats and cholesterol and retains the protein and amino acids.

In add-on, MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED has Anabolic Nitrogen Retention Technology (ANRT) factors but like its CARNIVOR Beefiness Protein Isolate counterpart.

These factors (glutamine-alpha-ketoglutarate, ornithine-alha-ketoglutarate, blastoff-ketoglutarate, and blastoff-ketoissocaproate) assist recycle amino acids "dorsum toward the muscle-edifice pathway and foreclose the buildup of debilitating scavengers such as ammonia," per MuscleMeds' official website.

Long story brusque, folks: these ANRT factors help your torso utilize its amino acrid levels to the fullest and prevent their wasting for maximum musculus growth.

Speaking of which, MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED has an estimated eight grams of maltodextrin per serving as well.

This is a fast-absorbing polysaccharide (complex sugar) which helps increase energy and muscle growth.

Icing on the cake, folks.

Our take: MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED has the potential to exist ane of the tiptop thermogenic poly peptide supplements on the market.

We believe its features (thermogenic ingredients, creatine content, BAT Activation Technology, and ANRT factors) set up it autonomously from the rest of the field.

Let'due south cheque out the formula ingredients:

  • Calories, 120: It'southward no coincidence MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED has the same number of calories every bit MuscleMeds CARNIVOR Beef Protein Isolate. The manufacturer keeps this within a reasonable limit for a protein supplement.
  • Calories from Fat, 0: Nix fat, naught cholesterol. All good.
  • Total Fat, 0 mg: Delight run into preceding formula ingredient.
  • Cholesterol, 0 mg: And then many protein supplements go overboard on their cholesterol content. Not this one. In fact, information technology has no trace of cholesterol. Awesome.
  • Total carbohydrate, 8 yard: You tin attribute virtually of MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED'due south carb content to its maltodextrin component – a fast-arresting circuitous carb which helps you brand the transition from catabolic to anabolic later a hard workout. It's a groovy inclusion. Get this, folks: this product has naught sugar besides. Likewise bad the manufacturer had to resort to an artificial sweetener such as sucralose (a.k.a. Splenda), which has several side effects. Yuck.
  • Poly peptide, 23 g: This much is equal to 46 percent the daily value for protein. Nosotros feel this much will help you musculus up and meet your daily poly peptide requirements. This amount should likewise help yous recover from a grueling workout.
  • Iron, 1.2 mg: MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED is non a significant source of iron at just seven percent of the daily value (as a reference betoken, annihilation less than five percent is depression).
  • Sodium 300 mg: Information technology sure seems the manufacturer hasn't learned its lesson. This supplement has a somewhat high sodium amount, but like its predecessor. Sure, you demand an ample corporeality of table salt to forestall muscle cramping. Go overboard, and you may compromise your blood pressure levels. On that notation, those who are monitoring their sodium intake are better off purchasing a poly peptide supplement whose salt content is five percentage or less of the daily value.
  • Potassium, 200 mg: MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED is not a pregnant source of potassium at just six percent of the daily value.

Formula Analysis

Our impression of MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED: it'southward MuscleMeds CARNIVOR Beef Protein Isolate with the additional fat-burning ingredients.

That's it. Simple as that.

Listen, a lot of customer have been raving well-nigh this product's thermogenic backdrop. Afterward all, tin you think of some other beef protein isolate supplement which helps torch fat?

They swear by information technology. So do we.

The Avant-garde Thermogenic Energizing Blend has proven ingredients in caffeine, green tea, and yerba mate. Throw in Super-half-dozen-Paradol into the mix, and you get impressive results.

Nosotros tip our hat off to the manufacturer for going the extra mile. We love its Revolutionary BAT Activation Technology and Anabolic Nitrogen Memory Engineering science.

These will aid you muscle upwards and lean out like never before. Believe it.

Once over again, we dear MuscleMeds' awesome hydrolyzed beef protein isolate – you lot get a solid 23 grams of fat- and cholesterol-gratis muscle-building protein per scoop.

We're sure not as well many protein supplement manufacturers tin can say that.

Don't forget about the additional creatine monohydrate (the near constructive of its kind on the market place), branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), and maltodextrin for a more anabolic environment.

Nosotros said it before, we'll say it again: we're confident you tin reap the same benefits equally the test subjects the manufacturer mentioned.

If you exercise your part by exercising regularly, eating right, getting enough rest, and supplementing with MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED, expect to increase muscle mass, strength, performance, and endurance.

On the other paw, one of the main differences betwixt MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED and MuscleMeds Beef Poly peptide Isolate is transparency.

While the latter divulges all of the ingredient amounts, the quondam has a proprietary alloy (its Advanced Thermogenic Energyzing Blend).

Like we said, the visitor reveals just the caffeine content (175 milligrams per scoop). Information technology doesn't practice the same for caffeine, green tea, yerba mate, and Super-6-Paradol.


The sodium content is also somewhat high at thirteen percent of the daily value. If yous're monitoring your sodium intake, all-time to steer clear.

Simply similar its predecessor, MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED has sucralose ( thousand.a. Splenda), an artificial sweetener which has several side effects.

Since the manufacturer came out with an avant-garde formula, it should have replaced this with stevia (a natural plant-based sweetener which helps regulate blood pressure and blood sugar levels) instead.

Alas, it didn't.

Finally, some customers keep to gripe about this product's gustation and solubility – the same complaints they had about MuscleMeds CARNIVOR Beef Protein Isolate.

Honestly, the gustatory modality is the biggest chink in this supplement's armor.

The manufacturer could have avoided this had information technology done its homework. It's every bit simple equally that.

MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED Benefits

MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED has the following benefits, per its official website:

  • Helps burn fatty
  • Increment musculus mass and energy
  • Increases fat burning past equally much equally 100 calories daily
  • Helps increase satiety
  • Includes effective thermogenic ingredients
  • Added doses of amino acids, creatine, and BCAAs
  • Contains no gelatin and collagen

We concord with all of these claims. If you're looking for a potent fat-called-for protein powder, MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED should be on your shortlist.

Who Takes Information technology?

MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED "is the perfect fatty-burning protein for athletes who are trying to get ripped" and for those "who are trying to build muscle" and "minimize fatty gain," per its official website.

Any Side Effects?

MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED has 13 percent of the daily value for sodium, which may not exist suitable for those who are monitoring their intake.

In addition, this product as well has sucralose (a.k.a. Splenda), an bogus sweetener which has several side effects.

If these, or any other ingredient, brand you lot feel doubtful, please do non hesitate to consult your doctor earlier purchasing.

The manufacturer also bug several warnings:

MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED Summary


  • Twenty-iii grams of beef poly peptide isolate per serving. Accounts for 46 percent of the daily value.
  • Avant-garde Thermogenic Energizing Blend. Super-6-Paradol, caffeine, green tea, and yerba mate.
  • BAT Activation Engineering science. Helps ensure yous torch fat.
  • ANRT Technology. Utilizes amino acids for optimum muscle growth.
  • Additional creatine and BCAAs. Helps increment muscle mass, improve operation, and increment endurance.
  • Maltodextrin. Fast-acting complex carbohydrate which helps increase muscle mass and increase energy levels.
  • Zero fatty and cholesterol. You read that correct.


  • Taste and solubility. Some customers maintain these are the product's biggest weaknesses.
  • Proprietary alloy. Production'southward Advanced Thermogenic Energizing Blend doesn't reveal all of the ingredient amounts. Thumbs downwards.
  • Somewhat high sodium content. Same issue as its predecessor.
  • Dingy ingredient. Has Splenda, just similar its predecessor. This is a recording.

Pricing & Ownership Info

  • 1 2-lb. Container (28-Twenty-four hour period Supply): $49.99
  • Bachelor online and in retail

Concluding Word on MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED

It bears repeating: MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED is similar in then many ways to MuscleMeds CARNIVOR Beef Poly peptide Isolate.

It's similar you added some thermogenic ingredients to the latter. That's it.

We were hoping the manufacturer ironed out the kinks of the predecessor (gustatory modality, somewhat high sodium content, Sucralose, etc.), but information technology didn't.

Too bad.

To make matters worse, MuscleMeds CARNIVOR SHRED has a shady proprietary blend.

Hey, this product is notwithstanding decent. Nosotros recommend it.

Wholeheartedly? No.

Perhaps we will when the manufacturer does its homework.

Our Rating


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