
what is the going rate to install crown molding

On this page:

  • How Much Does Crown Molding Price?
  • Common Styles of Crown Molding
  • Popular Materials Used for Crown Molding
  • PVC
  • Fiberboard (Medium-Density) or MDF
  • Polyurethane
  • Solid Wood
  • Metallic
  • Plaster
  • The Driblet
  • DIY
  • Labor Costs

How Much Does Crown Molding Toll?

The average crown molding projection costs $1,100 for a unmarried room. Withal, several variables impact the price that can brand that number vary widely. The price per linear foot is typically a much better calculation cistron to determine what your bodily expense will exist.

Crown molding installed near a window curtain pocket composed of several layers of trim

How much yous will spend depends, to a significant extent, on the material used, linear feet covered, if yous DIY, or the labor costs in your area. Y'all could pay every bit little as $1 or $2 per linear foot for cream or fiberboard molding or as much as $45 – $50 per linear human foot for metals and exotic forest. The most typical cost range is between $5 and $xx per linear human foot.

Mutual Styles of Crown Molding

In pocket-sized rooms with low ceilings, you lot might consider using the Early American or Federal mode of crown molding. Still, loftier ceilings may telephone call for the Colonial Revival fashion to accentuate a vaulted ceiling.

You lot can choose to stain and varnish for a natural wood look or utilise paints to compliment or contrast wall colors or wallpaper coverings. Crown molding is besides an excellent complement to wainscoting. Check our wainscoting cost guide to get some artistic ideas for coupling crown molding with wainscot.

Depending on your upkeep and use, at that place are several types of materials used for crown molding.

The following are the well-nigh popular materials used to create crown molding, the cost per linear foot (not including installation), and the pros and cons of apply:


You tin can use PVC molding in areas with high wet, where wood and foam might not exist as durable. PVC is also hollow so yous tin can run electrical, sound, or security cables through information technology. This molding typically only comes in white and should not get painted. PVC is very inexpensive at only $ane.00 or $ii.00 per linear pes.

Fiberboard (Medium-Density) or MDF

Fiberboard is another inexpensive material to brand crown molding. MDF is an fantabulous selection because it is very durable and can become painted, though information technology might not exist a great choice if you program on using a transparent stain.

However, do non utilize MDF in high moisture areas, as it might bow or warp. Await to pay virtually $one.00 to $3.00 per linear foot.


Polyurethane molding costs a little more either PVC or MDF at $2.00 to $six.00 per linear foot. However, it's non as prone to warping or bowing; though it tin can get dented easily during installation.

Solid Wood

In that location are 2 distinct disadvantages to using beautiful, long-lasting forest. Those are that it is bulky or weighty and can be costly. Some ceilings might not be able to concord the weight of wood. What's more, maple can toll $2.00 to $5.00 per linear foot, and cherry will typically cost $4.00 to $7.00 per linear human foot.

However, y'all can carve woods to make intricate designs and stain, varnish, or paint it to create a stunning look. Solid woods is the correct option if you plan on using a stain finish to permit the dazzler of the wood show through.


You can employ steel, copper, or aluminum inside or outside. Pigment it or use copper naturally to create a dainty patina over time. Metallic molding likewise complements metallic ceilings very well. However, metal molding can cost $10 – $25 per linear foot, and aluminum and copper will paring hands. You volition besides need a metal cut saw.


Plaster is some other expensive choice just has some advantages. A linear foot of plaster can cost $vi to $15. Yet, plaster can get formed to create elaborate designs. However, it might crack while installing, and the weight tin be too much for some ceilings.

Plaster molding also requires quite a bit more than time to install. It likewise requires the skill and experience that is becoming rarer as other materials such as drywall and woods moldings accept become more popular.

The Drop

One essential consideration of crown molding is the drop. The molding's driblet is the distance from the ceiling to the lesser edge of the molding.

For an 8-pes ceiling, utilise a 3-5-inch drib; ix-foot ceilings, utilize a 5-x-inch drop; ten or twelve-foot ceilings, employ a 10-12-inch drop; and for a xvi-foot ceiling, use an xviii-25-inch driblet.

Installing a larger molding volition increment the toll dramatically. The increased material cost combined with the complexities of installing crown on alpine ceilings ways the price of the installation goes up significantly for taller ceilings.


Whether yous install the molding yourself or rent a professional person depends on your time, tools, talent, and budget.

Kickoff, time: this projection could take a skilled DIY and a helper 4 – 6 hours per room to complete; including caulking, priming, and painting, or staining and varnishing.

2d, tools: you volition demand a miter saw, coping saw, hammer or nail gun, level, tape measure, caulking gun, drill, putty knife, or a crown molding kit. A crown molding kit costs betwixt $75 and $125 only makes information technology much easier to install the molding.

Third, materials: you need whichever molding material you determine on; nails, woods putty, caulk, and primer or stain, paint, or varnish. You tin also buy pre-cut corners to make your chore a lilliputian (maybe a lot for some) easier.

You lot can likewise salve some coin by hiring a carpenter for the installation and painting or staining the molding yourself.

Labor Costs

Contractors will generally accuse $250 to $500 per room to install crown molding. The toll of labor varies on project complexity, the room size, and the labor rates in your region.

We suggest getting several estimates for the projection and compare the designs and costs. Endeavor our carpenter locator to become several hassle-free estimates from great trim carpenters in your expanse.

Y'all might likewise be interested in our trim molding calculator to approximate material for other types of trim.

All pricing data on this page is based on average manufacture costs, and is subject to variance for project-specific materials, labor rates, and requirements.


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